The library remains open daily on working days from 10am to 5pm. Books are issued on presentation of requisition slips on all working days except Saturday between 11am to 2pm.
Every student will be provided with a library card at the beginning of the session which will entitle him/her to take out books from the library. The card is not transferable and have to be returned within a fortnight before the student sits for his/her final examination ,or when the students take transfer. In case of loss, a fresh card will be issued on payment of a fee of Rs 20/- (Twenty) only.
Only one book will be issued to a student at a time and can be retained by him/her upto 15days. Re-issue are permissible provided the books are not needed by other students or not in short supply for the reading room. Reference books may not be taken out of the library reading room.
Books must be returned before or on the due dates, failing which a fine of Re 1/- will be charged for each book for each day of the default. If the fine accumulates up to Rs10/- or more, the students will not be allowed to take out any more books till the fine has been paid and the Library- official has granted him/her permission to use the Library.
If the book is lost it must be replaced or should be paid market price.
The borrower shall have to check as to whether the book issued to him/her is littered damaged or moth eaten at the time of issue.No complaint in this regard shall be considered thereafter.
Talking, sleeping, smoking and loitering within the library are strictly prohibited.