Report of Analysis of Teachers' Feedback on Curriculum Design and Review
Session: 2020-21

Question Wise Score

Sl No. Question Score
1 The curriculum and syllabus framed by the Calcutta University are well organized and suitable to the programme 2.83
2 The curriculum has a good balance between theory and practical. 2.75
3 The books prescribed/listed as reference materials are relevant, updated and appropriate 2.83
4 Objectives of the Syllabi, Programme outcomes and Course outcomes are well defined and clear to teachers and students. 3.08
5 The curriculum is as per the needs of students. 3.17
6 The curriculum provides opportunities for conducting research and project related activities. 3.08
7 The contents of the curriculum are in tune with the state/national level examinations in the relevant subject 3.08
8 The opinion of the faculty members are taken into account during curriculum revision by the university 3.25
9 Sufficient numbers of prescribed books/study materials are available in the college Library 3.08
10 The college provides adequate e-resources like e-ShodhSindhu /Inflibnet N-list/ NDL, etc. for faculty members and students 3.17

Teachers Feedback
Session: 2020-21

Question Wise Feedback Statistics Graphs

Sl No. Question Statistics Graphs
1 The curriculum and syllabus framed by the Calcutta University are well organized and suitable to the programme
2 The curriculum has a good balance between theory and practical.
3 The books prescribed/listed as reference materials are relevant, updated and appropriate
4 Objectives of the Syllabi, Programme outcomes and Course outcomes are well defined and clear to teachers and students.
5 The curriculum is as per the needs of students.
6 The curriculum provides opportunities for conducting research and project related activities.
7 The contents of the curriculum are in tune with the state/national level examinations in the relevant subject
8 The opinion of the faculty members are taken into account during curriculum revision by the university
9 Sufficient numbers of prescribed books/study materials are available in the college Library
10 The college provides adequate e-resources like e-ShodhSindhu /Inflibnet N-list/ NDL, etc. for faculty members and students